Reiki/Trinity Energy Progression® Gift Certificate


Reiki is an energy balancing technique whereby the hands are placed gently on the body to restore, re-balance and nurture energy flow and balance for the whole body.  

Trinity Energy Progression® is an energy healing technique that assists the recipient to unblock stuck energy spots to achieve greater balance, contentment and well-being.  What a nice way to say how much you care!
These sessions are gentle but powerful whether performed in person or virtually.  Give a gift that helps one feel a greater sense of ease and wholeness!

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Reiki is an energy balancing technique whereby the hands are placed gently on the body to restore, re-balance and nurture energy flow and balance for the whole body.

Trinity is a gentle yet powerful energetic healing technique that brings balance and restores the whole being.

Either technique can be performed in person or virtually.

Here is what one client had to say about her experience:

           “Five days ago, I also received a distance energy session from her. It was incredibly relaxing during the session and later I experienced added benefits.
             I’d had a very disturbing emotional issue for over a month. It had me stuck in several areas of my life because I could not let go of the recirculating thoughts that were left unresolved. This kept me from moving forward in life. After what was a very revealing session, Mary Ellen suggested several things I could do for myself to magnify the already positive results.
           One was journaling. She said that thoughts are energy and energy must have somewhere to go. That is why I could not let go and get rid of these bothersome, nagging thoughts. Once I put my thoughts and feelings on paper, I felt a big relief. I read over them and easily drifted off to sleep. I read them again the next morning, and much to my surprise, I was not emotionally charged over them. I did this the next few mornings and now I am feeling on top of the world, moving forward in life, and there are no regrets or disturbing thoughts left.
         I still think about the situation occasionally but without any emotion about it. It is what it is. What a giant relief! I am so grateful to you, Mary Ellen. You made a difference in my life again, as usual!”
                                                  ~Brenda Briscoe Muscular Pain Therapist at Living Well Dallas