
What is it? Why is it effective?

The use of plants for healing has been a part of every civilization since the beginning of recorded history.

Ancient cultures used a maceration technique to preserve the beneficial attributes of plants (soaked the plant material in oil).

By the Renaissance (1100’s invention of the steam distillation method by Avicenna originally Ibn Sina), the perfume industry throughout Europe distilled plants into pleasant, fragrant perfumes to combat the nasty smells of everyday life including body odors, manure, etc.).

The result was a fragrant, emotionally, and physically supportive blends to enhance overall wellbeing. Originally only for the wealthy, these distilled plant essences can be enjoyed by anyone.

Essential oils are highly complex chemically active compounds that have remarkable affinity for balancing the body of both humans and animals.

When inhaled, they bypass the amygdala to go directly to the limbic brain to support the emotional and spiritual body.

When applied topically to the skin, they penetrate the dermis and go directly into the bloodstream to affect the body for easing pain, cleansing, immune support, etc.

All my aromatherapy products have been created to assist the body in coming back into balance. They are made with pure, authentic organic or wild-cultivated essential oils and organic botanical bases.

My Training

As a Clinical and Vibrational Aromatherapist, I have been studying aromatherapy since 2006. I have over 2000 hours of training and have worked with master teachers throughout the US and Europe.

Protecting the Plant World

Only 10% of all plants release a fragrant distillate! It requires a huge amount of plant material to yield a small amount of essential oil.
It takes 2000 pounds of lavender to produce 1 liter of lavender essential oil!
It takes 60 rose heads to produce 1 drop of rose essential oil!

Aromatherapy has been on-trend for some time now and that is frightening. Retail mass marketers and multi-level marketing efforts are encouraging over-consumption of these precious raw materials, threatening the extinction of many of our beloved plants.

Additionally, much of what is in the marketplace has been adulterated (pure essential oils mixed with chemical constituents to mimic the real thing). This practice is widespread and nearly impossible to monitor. So how do I know I am getting the real thing? I have relationships with my suppliers, and I trust my nose.

As an aromatherapist, I am a steward for the plant world. I use essential oils with care and in minute quantities. I support and only purchase from those suppliers who produce their essential oils with that same point of view.

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